Summer 2018
I am pleased to send you this edition of my electronic newsletter. These e-newsletters enable me to provide information about issues, events and activities in Harrisburg and around the 41st Senatorial District to you in a timely manner while saving postage costs. If you find this e-newsletter useful, I invite you to visit my website www.senatordonwhite.com for more information about your state government. You can also keep up to date through www.facebook.com/senatordonwhite. If you do not wish to receive these e-newsletters, please click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the page. Sincerely, Don White State Police Announce Independence Day Holiday Enforcement StatsPennsylvania State Police troopers investigated a total of 581 crashes that resulted in injuries to 146 people during the three-day Fourth of July holiday driving period of July 3 – 5. Alcohol was a factor in 37 of the crashes investigated. Troopers responded to two fatal crashes, in which three people were killed. State Police arrested 316 motorists for driving under the influence and issued 8,577 speeding citations during the holiday driving period. Troopers cited 778 people for not wearing seat belts and issued 173 citations to drivers for failing to secure children in safety seats. A total of 13 people were killed and 259 others were injured in the 741 crashes that state troopers investigated during last year’s four-day holiday driving period. More information on 2018 Independence Day enforcement, broken down by troop, is available here. These statistics cover only those incidents investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police and do not include incidents to which other law enforcement agencies responded. Enjoy Our Local FairsOne of the best parts of summer around here is the opportunity to spend the day at one of our local fairs. Several of these great events will be held in our area over the next few weeks: Dayton Fair (August 12-18); Indiana Fair (August 25-September 1); Ox Hill Fair (September 3-8); and Green Township/Cookport Fair (September 9-15). I encourage everyone to come on out with your friends and neighbors and enjoy a local fair. Two new U.S. Bicycle Routes Designated in PATwo bicycling routes in Pennsylvania are now officially part of the nationwide U.S. Bicycle Route system. USBR 30 extends 46 miles along the shore of Lake Erie from Ohio to New York (locally known as BicyclePA Route Z) and runs along the nationally designated Seaway Trail Scenic Byway. Riders will enjoy sandy beaches, historic lighthouses, ecological diversity – as well as Presque Isle State Park, which is ranked as the #1 Freshwater Beach in North America. More than 13,000 miles of USBRs have been approved in 25 states. When complete, the system will encompass 50,000 miles of routes and provide expanded opportunities for cross-country travel, regional touring, and commuting by bicycle. The new routes join the portion of existing USBR 50 that passes through Southwestern Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh. Planned routes include two (USBRs 11 and 15) along the eastern and western edges of the Appalachian Mountains and one (USBR 1) along the Route 1 corridor in Philadelphia. Farmers Market Nutrition Program Vouchers Now AvailableNow through November, low-income seniors and eligible participants in the Women Infants and Children (WIC) program can receive vouchers to purchase Pennsylvania-grown fruits, vegetables, and fresh-cut herbs from approved farm markets and farm stands across the Commonwealth. Eligible seniors — at least 60 years old with incomes that do not exceed $22,459 per-year for a single person or $30,451 for a household of two — can contact their local Area Agency on Aging for information on the program and times and locations of voucher distributions. Women and children ages 1 – 4 who are participating in WIC are eligible to receive vouchers at their quarterly WIC clinic visits. Participating markets can be found at www.pafmnp.com. Participants may redeem vouchers through November 30. 2018-19 Hunting Pocket Guide Now Available OnlineThe 2018-19 hunting and trapping pocket guide is now available online on the 2018-19 Hunting and Trapping Digest homepage at www.pgc.pa.gov. The pocket guide can be printed at home on 8 ½ by 14 inch (legal) paper. Pocket guides also are available at the Game Commission’s headquarters and regional offices. The 2018-19 license year opened on July 1. Mark Your CalendarState Representatives Donna Oberlander and Jeff Pyle and I will co-host a Senior Expo on Tuesday, August 28, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Kittanning Township Volunteer Fire Department, 13126 State Route 422, Kittanning. A number of local organizations and businesses, health associations as well as state and federal agencies will be participating in this free event. Representatives will provide information on numerous subjects of interest to older residents including, health care, insurance, nutrition and exercise, fire safety, financial planning and personal safety. A free prescription drug disposal service will be available for those wishing to safely get rid of unneeded prescription/over the counter medications, liquid medications, creams and ointments, nasal sprays, inhalers, and pet medications. Intravenous solutions, syringes, injectables and needles, illicit and illegal substances will not be accepted. Participants can receive health screenings and will be eligible for door prizes. Free refreshments will be provided. For more information, call my Kittanning District Office at (724) 543-3026 or Toll Free at (866) 366-9448. |
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